The last time I flew a kite I was in primary school, but the memory has never left me. You start off with the kite on the ground, then you pull on the string and run as fast as you can and watch the kite fly high into the sky. Even as I child I knew the string had to be adjusted according to weather and according to how busy the flying area was with other kites being flown nearby.

There are similarities between business strategy and kite flying. Kite flying takes time to learn and after considerable practice, you become much better at it. It’s the same in business, and I’ve never met a successful business owner that stopped learning or evolving. Consider these similarities:

A Positive Attitude

Kite flying is not a walk in the park. Just like your business, it involves a combination of talent and skills to take the kite high up in the sky. The heavy burden of flying the kite could prove to be frustrating and emotionally draining for any amateur trying it for the first time. In the same way, a new entrepreneur just entering the market may have a mountain of challenges in front of him or her.
Overcoming them and establishing a company takes a lot of effort and you need a positive attitude to keep going, and to see problems as challenges.

“Wind factor” (Sales and marketing strategy)

The wind is a required condition for a kite fly to soar into the sky. If the weather is windy, it’s much easier to get the kite to takeoff. Your business works in the same way – consider the wind as the right market conditions. Your products and services will sell and generate profits only if there is a demand for the product in the market. Your business is headed for losses if it tries to fly its kite in a vacuum environment, and you do not take customer needs and market conditions into consideration.

System and process

The right kite material, when matched with proper wind conditions, can take to kite to greater heights. In strong winds, a paper kite could simply tear off and a stronger material would be needed to survive. However, if the wind is gentle, a paper kite will do just fine. Similarly, your business needs the right systems and processes in place to deal with the demands of your customers.

Positive Client Experience

The entrepreneur is known as the person who takes the risk of starting the business. If the entrepreneur is careless or apathetic, the business will reflect this, and if the entrepreneur is customer-centric the business will be customer-centric. If the entrepreneur does not live up to customer expectations, the life expectancy of the business will be very short.
In the same way, if the kite-runner who has good control over the kite, will see his or her kite soar high into the sky.
There is an endless number of similarities between kite flying and business – so, what’s your kite story?

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