Tim Ferguson Charles Hsuan Podcast

Tim Ferguson – Effective communication starts with shrinking ambition

Tim Ferguson is a Canadian living in Switzerland. He also happens to be the co-CEO of Audience Communication and Events. When he was younger, Tim wanted to be an actor. But, he instead found himself in academia. And, eventually, he ended up in corporate communications.

As head of Audience for the past 17 years, Tim has built a love for helping teams communicate better. He functions as a speaker, trainer, facilitator, and coach. Tim loves helping corporates navigate complex situations where communication is key for success.

In this episode, Tim chats to Charles about the importance of clarity and limiting communication ambition to a few key points. This helps people remember, learn, and communicate well. Tim and Charles also chat about the importance of meeting an audience where they’re at. How? By appealing to their heads, hearts, and hands.


  1. Facilitators need to be flexible and adapt to client needs
  2. Hone presentations down to promote understanding
  3. Promote active engagement in content early on. Don’t bombard audiences with information from the start, but rather help them engage with concepts
  4. The best way to learn new information is through the process of reflection, generalisation, and application


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