Over the past weekend, I had my bachelor’s party at Adventure Zone Cullinan with some of my closest friends. We split into two teams and competed in the Zone’s Amazing Race. The race comprised 10 activities, with each activity requiring our teams to solve and complete a “clue” before moving on to the next.

One of the activities was Ancient Bushman Fire-making. While we were completing the task, I noticed six similarities between this activity and running a business.

1.Seek wise counsel

  • Our guide, Piet, has done this activity countless times and knows what it takes to be successful. 
  • Piet already knew what to do, we chose to learn from him.

2. Listen and pay attention

  • We were given dry grass, sand, a plant with holes, and a mini bow to work with.
  • We first needed to listen to how each item plays a part in the fire-making before rushing in to complete the task.

3. Be prepared for hard work and have patience 

  • After trying to make the fire at least five times, my teammate, Jared, seemed to finally catch on to the technique. 
  • We gathered around him to offer support

4. Practice teamwork

  • As sweat dripped from his head, we cheered him on.
  • We supplied him with whatever he needed to complete the process.

5. Ask questions

  • When the smoke started to appear, we continued to engage with our guide for further instructions.  

6. Have a positive attitude 

  • Like anything in life, there is nothing that a huge smile and a positive attitude can’t solve!

And one last thing – remember to celebrate your win. We were all overjoyed when we completed the task!

Exceeding your sales is our business, storytelling is our currency. Flying Kite offers internal company workshops on storytelling, as well as public speaking related to the topic.

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