
How I Built This: Your business is never too small for a cyberattack – Ross Saunders

“When the executives have an ‘ah-ha’ moment during the training session, that makes me more passionate; I love helping companies raise awareness.” – Ross Saunders 

If you think your company is too small, or that you have the latest firewall, and you’re safe from hackers (Or from being breached ), think again. It just takes a second for you to put in the wrong detail in a phishing message for a catastrophic event to occur. An investigation into IT-related crimes are extremely expensive, and the mitigation of further/future crimes can cost a company up to tends of thousands of Rands per day.

Ross specialises in data protection and information security. His company focusses on raising awareness and educating staff as to the human aspect of what can, and does, go wrong in data protection. 

Ross has a particular, and personal, passion for data privacy, having been a victim of identity theft himself. Listen to our interview below.

Exceeding your sales is our business, storytelling is our currency. Flying Kite offers internal company workshops on storytelling, as well as public speaking related to the topic.

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