Candid Conversations: Stacy Hart – Moments happen, embrace your circumstances

In this episode, Charles chats to Stacy Hart, founder of Matter at Heart. Stacy started her content-creation business in 2018, and the two talk about the difficulties in overcoming the first 1,000 days. One key point: most problems have simple solutions. Knowing this can help get new owners over this critical hump.

Stacy also shares some stories from her childhood. She highlights the role of her family in her success. And she chats about how being an independent thinker led her to her current occupation. Stacy also discusses wanting to be an actor. But notes how she found she’d rather give others a voice than be the mouthpiece for someone else.

This desire has helped her create a business that captures authentic moments. These moments may be simple – like sharing a cake – but they can have a great impact for promoting business growth.

Charles and Stacy also talk about how understanding people can go a long way to giving good service. And they accept that while some tools might not be ideal, business owners should consider what might help them meet their client’s needs. There’s also a discussion on the value of asking what you’re worth.

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