
Candid Conversations: Petra Zink – Building relationships are vital for your success!

Austrian native, Petra Zink is the owner and founder of Impaccct. Her company helps professionals move from experts to trusted authorities in their field. How? By following the 3 Cs in her company’s name – Clarity, Communicate, Commercialise.

Included in this episode, Petra chats to Charles about her colourful professional trajectory. She notes how she achieved her childhood dream of living on the other side of the world. And she highlights the importance of having diverse income streams.

Petra also details one of her biggest mistakes. Her ‘lone wolf’ mentality early in her career damaged her chances of progress. But, she learnt her lesson, and now advocates for relationship-building.

Charles talks more to Petra about trust and relationships. They note the value of both when starting a company. They also discuss the pros and cons of in-person versus digital interactions. And Petra gives advice on how to establish good relationships in an increasingly online-first world.

Podcasts also make an appearance. Petra’s played host to several herself, and she shares some of the lessons she’s learnt along the way. Petra also gives recommendations on a few of her personal favourites.

With so many insights, it’s best to get listening!

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