2 Must know Attention grabbing techniques in sales Charles Hsuan sales coach FlyingKite

2 [Must Know!] Attention-grabbing techniques in sales

I bet you are a bit like me, your attention is a sacred and scarce commodity. Everyone is trying to get your attention.

From marketers on social media trying to sell you things, your employees asking for your help, your colleagues asking you to join a meeting or your clients asking for random reports. The list goes on…

The problem is, regardless of what sector or industry you work in, if your message, proposal, quote, doesn’t resonate with your audience, you stand a very very slim chance of getting their attention or response.

You know how important your content is To YOU, but what about to the person that is receiving it? Your message is 1 out of the 120 e-mails that they are getting per day.

In this video, I am going to share 2 things that will tease their human needs.

You can’t ‘grow’ sales. Grow your people and they will grow the sales for you. Book your 30-min discovery call now.

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